Byui grading percentages
Byui grading percentages

byui grading percentages


The Department Chair must report all courses that students may not audit to the Student Records and Registration Office. Students will need to re-apply through the Admissions Office for the next available semester.ĭepartments have the right to refuse to allow students to audit individual courses. Registered students who drop all credit section(s) and only have audit section(s) remaining, during a term in which they are required to enroll to maintain their admission status, are considered withdrawn from the University effective the last drop date of the non-audit section(s).

byui grading percentages

Students may not change from credit to audit after the deadline to drop a course without earning a “W.” Students wishing to change from audit to credit after the deadline to drop a course without earning a “W” must receive instructor approval. Tuition for audit classes is assessed on the same basis as for credit classes. Students must first register for the class for credit and then contact the Student Records and Registration Office by email at to change the course to audit. An Incomplete (I) grade may not be made up by repeating the class as an audit. Students who audit a class are not responsible for attendance, daily preparations or examinations, and no grade is reported or recorded on the permanent academic record. Once approved, Academic Renewal may not be reversed.


This policy is for a full semester or semesters not for individual courses. Students should also be aware that this is a BYU-Idaho policy and other institutions are not obligated to honor it.Īcademic Renewal may be applied only once during an academic career at BYU-Idaho. Academic Renewal may impact a student's retaken courses. However, all work remains on the record to ensure a true and accurate academic history. If Academic Renewal is approved, the permanent academic record is annotated to indicate that no work taken during the disregarded semester(s), even if satisfactory, shall be applied toward graduation requirements or GPA calculation. The semester(s) to be considered for Academic Renewal must have a GPA below 2.0.The student must have completed at least one semester at BYU–Idaho as a full-time student (12 credits or more) with a grade point average of at least 2.5 after the semester requesting to be disregarded was completed.A minimum of four years must have elapsed since the semester requesting to be disregarded was completed.Before petitioning for Academic Renewal, the following conditions must be met: If approved, this eliminates previous poor academic work at BYU-Idaho, from the student's academic record. Under certain circumstances, BYU-Idaho allows students to petition for Academic Renewal.

Byui grading percentages